Ethereum vs EOS vs TRON

August 31, 2021

Ethereum vs EOS vs TRON: The Battle of the Blockchains

Blockchain technology has disrupted many industries, and cryptocurrencies are perhaps the most popular use case of the technology. Ethereum, EOS, and TRON are three of the most popular blockchain platforms in the crypto space. All three platforms have their unique features and advantages, making it challenging to decide which one is the best fit for your needs. This blog post aims to provide a factual and unbiased comparison of Ethereum, EOS and TRON, so you can make an informed decision.


Ethereum is an open-source, blockchain-based platform that enables the development of decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts. Ethereum's native cryptocurrency is Ether (ETH), which is the second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap at the time of writing this article. Ethereum was launched in 2015 and has since become one of the most popular blockchain platforms in the crypto space.

Advantages of Ethereum:

  • Ethereum has a large and active developer community, making it easier to find expert help and support.
  • Ethereum is more secure than many other blockchain platforms, thanks to its mining algorithm, which is based on proof-of-work.
  • Ethereum has better liquidity than many other cryptocurrencies, making it easier to buy and sell ETH.

Disadvantages of Ethereum:

  • Ethereum's mining algorithm consumes a lot of energy, making it less eco-friendly than some other blockchains.
  • Ethereum's scalability issues have led to network congestion and high transaction fees.


EOS is an open-source, blockchain-based platform that provides software and tools for the development of decentralized applications (dApps). EOS's native cryptocurrency is EOS, which is a top 30 cryptocurrency by market cap at the time of writing this article. EOS was launched in 2018 and aims to address the scalability and usability issues that many other blockchain platforms face.

Advantages of EOS:

  • EOS can handle more transactions per second (TPS) than Ethereum or Bitcoin, making it faster and more scalable.
  • EOS allows for free transactions, making it appealing to users who make a lot of microtransactions.
  • EOS has a built-in mechanism for resolving disputes and reversing fraudulent transactions.

Disadvantages of EOS:

  • EOS is less decentralized than many other blockchain platforms, which could lead to centralization risks.
  • EOS has been criticized for being prone to congestion and delays, which can affect the user experience.


TRON is an open-source, blockchain-based platform that aims to create a decentralized internet. TRON's native cryptocurrency is TRX, which is a top 30 cryptocurrency by market cap at the time of writing this article. TRON was launched in 2017, and its goal is to provide a decentralized and cost-effective platform for content creators and developers.

Advantages of TRON:

  • TRON offers high scalability, making it faster than many other blockchain platforms.
  • TRON is more eco-friendly than Ethereum, as it uses a proof-of-stake consensus algorithm.
  • TRON aims to reduce costs for content creators and developers, making it an attractive platform for those who are cost-conscious.

Disadvantages of TRON:

  • TRON's network is less secure than Ethereum, as it has fewer nodes and relies on a delegated proof-of-stake consensus algorithm.
  • TRON's governance system has led to centralization risks, as the same individuals and organizations continue to vote in the network's direction.


In conclusion, Ethereum, EOS and TRON are all unique blockchain platforms with their advantages and disadvantages. Choosing the best platform depends on your specific needs and preferences. Ethereum is more secure but less scalable, EOS can handle more TPS but is less decentralized, while TRON is more scalable but less secure. We recommend doing due diligence and research before making any investment decisions.


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